Running boom – experiences of Poland and other countries. A comparative analysis


  • Jakub Ryszard Stempień Zakład Socjologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi, ul. Lindleya 6, 90-131 Łódź



popularity of running, leisure-time sport, marathon races


In the article results of an analysis comparing running boom in Poland and foreign countries are discussed. The list includes following factors: history, structure of the population of amateur runners, ideological background of the running boom (healthism) as well as achievements of participants of marathon races. The analysis bases on accessible data and reports. Six marathon races – prestigious, well organized and biggest in the world – were also chosen to be investigated and compared with five leading marathon races in Poland. Despite differences between Poland and western countries among history of running boom and structure of runners’ population (when analysing age and sex), important similarities are to be noticed: ideological background of popularity of running and runners’ social class affiliation.


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How to Cite

Stempień, J. R. (2018). Running boom – experiences of Poland and other countries. A comparative analysis. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (65), 89–107.

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