Styl atrybucji, poczucie kontroli i płeć a podatność na powstawanie syndromu wyuczonej bezradności


  • Tomasz Jarmakowski Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Psychologii image/svg+xml


Słowa kluczowe:

learned helplessness, attributional style, locus of control, individual differences


The article is the review of chosen researches and theories that relates to individual differences in susceptibility of learned helplessness (LH). In the first part of the article the specificity of the learned helplessness syndrome is outlined. Next the theories that are relevant when individual differences in susceptibility of LH are concerned, are presented. Then the researches related to the role of three individual differences: attributional style, Locus of Control and sex, in susceptibility of LH are presented and discussed. In the last part of the article there are some conclusions from the presented researches. Also some conclusions about the possible directions of the future researches to help to separate the reactions to single failure from the reactions to helplessness training.


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Jak cytować

Jarmakowski, T. (2009). Styl atrybucji, poczucie kontroli i płeć a podatność na powstawanie syndromu wyuczonej bezradności. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (13), 55–73.


