Problematization and instrumentalization of education in the EU. Example of the idea of lifelong learning and the European education area




lifelong learning, European education area, European Union, education policy, problematization, instrumentalization


The subject of consideration in the article is the idea of lifelong learning and the European educational area being created within the EU. Both objects of the study are produced within the EU by means of relevant strategic documents (treated in the analytical sense as prescriptive texts), which are to provide guidelines for member countries to implement specific educational solutions in the form of legislation, programs, projects, etc. The documents, selected through research selection, form the basis of an empirical analysis, conducted in the spirit of post-Foucault reflection using selected tools typical of frame analysis and qualitative content analysis. More broadly, the article aims to show the ways in which education is problematized and instrumentalized in EU policy, which in turn is the result of adopting a particular economic model.


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How to Cite

Messyasz, K. (2022). Problematization and instrumentalization of education in the EU. Example of the idea of lifelong learning and the European education area. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (83), 33–56.