A Detailed Summary of Speech Pathology Assessment and Intervention of A Minimally Verbal Australian Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder





autism spectrum disorder (ASD), complex communication needs, minimally verbal, speech and language pathology, treatment approaches, Naturalistic Developmental Behavioural Interventions (NDBIs), family centred practice


Speech and language pathologists have an important role to play in the treatment of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. There exists a large body of evidence regarding the efficacy of assessment protocols and treatment approaches for individuals with ASD. There is an ever-growing need for clinicians to adopt holistic, family-centred clinical practices, and this is particularly important within ASD, where clinical presentations are often varied. This study described the assessments and intervention programs used by one SLP in the treatment of a minimally verbal seven-year-old male with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. It found that the utilisation of multiple treatment programs may be required within therapy to provide individuals on the autism spectrum with high-quality, family-centred intervention. Further research into the development of clinically standardized procedures for selecting speech pathology interventions to promote client-centred practices is recommended.


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How to Cite

Sims, D. (2020). A Detailed Summary of Speech Pathology Assessment and Intervention of A Minimally Verbal Australian Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (4), 157–170. https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.04.11


