The State of Competence and Language Proficiency of a 6‑Year‑Old Boy with Social Orphanhood. Comparative Study




language competence, language proficiency, socialization, social orphanage, maternal deprivation


In the medical, psychological, and pedagogical literature it is emphasized that the lack of satisfying the basic psychological needs of a child affects its somatic development, causes disturbances in the emotional sphere, and delays psychomotor development. In various sci­entific fields, the effects of social orphanhood are already a marginalized topic and only dis­cussed in general terms regarding basic teachings – making these topics in speech therapy especially a novelty.

This article deals with the level of competence and language skills of a six‑year‑old boy with social orphan compared to a boy of the same age who is raised with his nuclear family – thus not deprived of his basic physical and emotional needs. A comparative – quantitative analy­sis based on the Linguistic Development Test and – qualitative analysis was performed, tak­ing into account all language subsystems.

The initiated research is includes a new perspective in speech therapy – taking into account the environmental effects on language development and in particular the impact of social orphanhood on the child’s linguistic development.


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How to Cite

Małocha-Pytlak, K. (2022). The State of Competence and Language Proficiency of a 6‑Year‑Old Boy with Social Orphanhood. Comparative Study. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (6), 175–194.