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A proposal for a non-antagonistic approach to disorder and order in cluttering




cosmos, chaos, chaosmos, non‑antagonistic approach, cluttering


The aim of this article is to present a different understanding of cluttering: not in the category of ‘fluency disorders’, but as a complex language and communication dis-order. A complementary approach to the phenomena of order and disorder was proposed in relation to the non‑antagonistic mythical and religious concept of the cosmos and chaos, linguistic adaptations of the theory of chaos, and considerations on the idea of chaosmos. Polish‑language speech therapy literature shows the examples of perceiving chaos and order in cluttering as mutually conditioning, non‑antagonistic forces. The article closes with postulates of opening to (neuro)diversity, bridging gaps between different language and communication orders as well as respecting by the recipients a sufficiently structured way of speaking, a way in which a clutterer communicates.


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How to Cite

Kaźmierczak, M. (2023). A proposal for a non-antagonistic approach to disorder and order in cluttering. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (7), pp. 12.