Summary as a genre of speech in teaching Polish as a foreign language




teaching Polish as a foreign language, mediation activities, summary, genre, genre pattern


Summary is one of the basic mediation activities, widely used in everyday language communication. It is an important skill in learning a foreign language since it allows for improvement of other language and intellectual skills: reading, understanding, analysing, distinguishing important from less important information, reasoning, logical thinking, concise expression of thoughts, and creating coherent texts; it also helps in remembering the content. At the same time, it prepares learners to act as language and cultural mediators. The author of the article encourages teaching this important skill based on the concept of a genre pattern, including a description of its four aspects: structural, pragmatic, cognitive, and stylistic. Additionally, she discusses a scientific summary, i.e. abstract, especially useful to students undertaking studies in the Polish language. She presents different ways of creating a summary as well as techniques and type of exercises/tasks related to working with a text subject to such activity. Finally, types of tasks preparing for writing a summary based on a sample text at B2/C1 level will be presented. In conclusion, acquiring the competence to summarise oral and written communications will bring many long-term benefits to learners, both in further education and/or professional work, and in other aspects of communication practice.


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2023-12-07 — Updated on 2024-02-16


How to Cite

Dunin-Dudkowska, A. (2024). Summary as a genre of speech in teaching Polish as a foreign language. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 30, 149–162. (Original work published December 7, 2023)