Children’s Songs About School and Kindergarten as Tools for Constructing the ‘Organization Children’


  • Małgorzata Pilecka Akademia Ateneum w Gdańsku



children’s song, linguistic worldview, educational institutions


The article presents the results of the research on the image of institutional education occurring in contemporary Polish children’s songs. The lyrics of the songs were subjected to a qualitative analysis in order to reveal the features constituting the image of the kindergarten and primary school contained in them. The research has revealed a tendency to show these educational institutions as places focused on shaping the so-called ‘organization children’, fully subordinated to institutions (Moss Kanter 1972). In the analysed songs the discourse of a child defined as a ‘pre-human being’ is clearly present (Męczkowska-Christiansen 2010): the children are thought to require strict control and constant intervention from adults. Among the tools useful in disciplining the pupils, the authors of the songs mention, among others: pre-school routine, rigid rules in institutions, the assessment process (especially the school marks), and other attributes of teachers’ authority (including: class register, school bell). The analysis and interpretation of the songs led the author to the conclusion that they not only reflect the traditional educational model that is very popular in Poland, but also consolidate it in the linguistic image of the world.

Author Biography

Małgorzata Pilecka, Akademia Ateneum w Gdańsku

Małgorzata Pilecka is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Educational Studies of Ateneum Academy in Gdansk, an early childhood educator, a foreign language teacher, a teachers’ trainer. Her research interests focus on the constructivist teaching/learning methods, the cultural offer for children, the role of communication in the process of education, as well as on selected issues in the field of andragogy and pedeutology. She is the author of publications in the field of pedagogy, including a monograph entitled: Teacher’s Concepts of Children’s Group Work in Early Education (published by Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2020).


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How to Cite

Pilecka, M. (2023). Children’s Songs About School and Kindergarten as Tools for Constructing the ‘Organization Children’. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 17(2), 71–87.