However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned from Thirty Years of Teaching


  • Andrew Pudewa Institute for Excellence in Writing, Locust Grove, USA



education, principles, pedeutology, pedagogy


The author presents, in essay style, seven basic principles of adequate education resulting from his personal teaching experience. These are both pedeutological and pedagogical principles, including methodological and relational ones, unfortunately rarely implemented in practice.

Author Biography

Andrew Pudewa, Institute for Excellence in Writing, Locust Grove, USA

Pudewa, Andrew – is the founder and director of the well-known American Institute for Excellence in Writing and the father of seven children. He graduated from the world-renowned Talent Education Research Institute Shinichi Suzuki in Japan, he also has a certificate in the field of developing children’s intelligence, issued by the no less famous Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia, founded by Glenn Doman and Carl Delacato.


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How to Cite

Pudewa, A. (2021). However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned from Thirty Years of Teaching. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 12(1), 260–276.