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Ways of depicting speech deficits in the cinematic space: selected examples


  • Izabela Ejsmunt-Wieczorek University of Lodz, the Faculty of Philology, the Institute of Polish Philology and Logopaedics, the Department of Polish Dialectology and Logopaedics image/svg+xml



speech disfluency, speech of people with hearing loss, communication in cerebral palsy, speech disorders, feature film


The article discusses an important social aspect concerning speech disorders, also in people with disabilities, and the methods of their presentation in the film space. The main aim of the article is the way of presenting dysfunctions in the field of communication in a cinematic work. Other tasks of the article include attempts to answer the following questions: “does the environment influence the development of communication skills of people with disabilities?”, “how does the film show the relationships of people with speech disorders and disabilities in contacts with loved ones?”, and to “what extent is the film image consistent with the scientific description of a given disorder?”. The analytical chapters in the article are devoted to three disorders and selected feature films in which the actors present the language and communication skills of film characters struggling with speech disfluency, hearing dysfunction and cerebral palsy.


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How to Cite

Ejsmunt-Wieczorek, I. (2023). Ways of depicting speech deficits in the cinematic space: selected examples. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (7), pp. 13.