The Phenomenon of Lying as an Inspiration to Create Tasks for Polish as a Foreign Language Classes




lie, Polish as a foreign language, cultural differences, tasks, definitions of a lie, signs of lies, linguistic text analysis, communication model, experience machine


Lying is a phenomenon that affects everyone, regardless of gender, origin, occupation, social status or interests. It has been investigated from a wide range of research perspectives, and each of them pays attention to different aspects of lying. Studies show that we lie and are lied to every day. The author of this article has set the goal of investigating various theories about lying in order to use them as an inspiration for creating materials for foreigners learning Polish. Therefore, she analyses selected definitions of lies and discusses the differences in the semantic ranges of the words that describe lies and lying in both Polish and English. She concludes that significant divergences on this issue may result in a plurality of opinions and perceptions regarding the significance of lying in different cultures. Then, using the classic, partially simplified model of interpersonal communication, she describes the lie from the perspective of the sender, message and receiver. The insights inscribed in these categories allow a broader view of the context, namely the signs of deception and how to detect lies. The linguistic symptoms of uttering false messages are of particular interest due to the purpose of this article. The author also presents selected cultural differences concerning lies. In addition, she suggests tasks that can be used during language classes with foreigners.


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How to Cite

Rabczuk, A. (2022). The Phenomenon of Lying as an Inspiration to Create Tasks for Polish as a Foreign Language Classes. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 29, 79–104.