Review Process
Articles are qualified for publication based on a peer-review process, respecting the following rules:
- Articles are subject to pre-qualification by editors who are experts in the field covered in the paper.
- Editors direct the qualified texts to at least two independent reviewers from outside of the Author's affiliation institution.
- In the process of reviewing, the double-blind principle is respected.
- Based on reviews and the Author's response, FoE editors make a final decision.
The review form contains 11 criteria for the evaluation of articles:
- The paper is consistent with the profile of FoE.
- Title accurately reflects the content of the paper.
- The paper applies the scientific problem that has been well presented in it.
- Scientific problem described in this paper is up to date.
- The paper refers to a widely recognized theory or literature.
- The paper clearly poses the research question (goal), and it is logical.
- The paper presents a reliable concept of the research and uses appropriate research tools.
- The paper is innovative in terms of methodology and substantive.
- The article is correctly structured (formulation of the problem, hypothesis, solution, conclusions, references, literature).
- The abstract accurately reflects the content of the paper.
- The paper is correct in terms of language.
There are two boxes for each criterion: list box and text box for "Comments". At the end of the form, there is an additional text box "Other comment". The Reviewer evaluates the extent to which article meets every criterion - fully, partially or poorly - pointing to the adequate item in the list box. Any comment on the degree of compliance with the criterion may be added in the "Comment" box. Any other comments can be entered in the "Other comment" box. After completing the form, the reviewer indicates the appropriate recommendation in the list box:
- Accept Submission
- Revisions Required
- Resubmit for Review
- Resubmit Elsewhere
- Decline Submission
- See Comments