Rehabilitation pedagogy – towards creative resocialization




Pedagogy of Social Rehabilitation, Social Rehabilitation, Classical Pedagogy, Creative Social Rehabilitation, destigmatization, creativity, potentials, identity, methods of Creative Social Rehabilitation, behavioral theories, psychodynamic theories


The article discusses the basic issues of Creative Social Rehabilitation against Classical Pedagogy of Social Rehabilitation. The author presents the theoretical concepts that are the roots of both Classical Pedagogy of Social Rehabilitation and Creative Social Rehabilitation. He also describes the destigmatizing essence of the effects of Creative Social Rehabilitation in the context of the stigmatizing methodology preferred by traditional Pedagogy of Social Rehabilitation.

Author Biography

Marek Konopczyński, Katedra Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Full Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Head of the Department of Special Education at the University of Bialystok, author of the scientific concept of creative resocialization based on the theoretical grounds of symbolic interactionism, cognitivism and pedagogy of culture. The methods of creative resocialization developed by the author successfully find their application in penitentiary, correctional and educational institutions in Poland.


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How to Cite

Konopczyński, M. (2018). Rehabilitation pedagogy – towards creative resocialization. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 6(1), 64–75.