International Conferences of Social Service in 1928 and 1932: Discussion on Education for Social Work




international social service conferences, precursors of the social services school movement, education for social work, generational dialogue


The aim of the text is to make available the research material obtained from the record of the dialogue contained in the protocol of the Second International Conference of Social Service, which took place in 1932 in Frankfurt am Main. During the conversation, the participants of this meeting refer to the issues discussed during the conference, but recall the main theses raised during the 1st International Conference of Social Service in Paris in 1928. The dialogue conducted in several languages has not yet been translated into Polish, but according to the authors of the text, it is - due to the topicality of the topics discussed by the experts of the European social services school movement at that time - worth introducing to contemporary researchers of social and pedagogical issues.

Author Biographies

Izabela Kamińska-Jatczak, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Izabela Kamińska-Jatczak – social pedagogue, doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, assistant professor at the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Rehabilitation at the University of Lodz. Her research interests concern: analysis of activity in the field of social work, family social work, biographical and historical contexts of social pedagogy, methodology of interpretative research and participatory research. The author of the book: Aktywność asystentów rodziny. Analiza narracji w ujęciu transwersalnym [The Activity of Child Protection Workers. Analysis of Narratives in a Transversal Approach] (2021).

Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka – social pedagogue, professor of humanities, professor emeritus of the University of Lodz, d.h.c. University of Ostrava. She is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies”, published by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz and the University Press. Her research interests include: reflection on the foundations of social pedagogue’s action in the field of practice; education in social professions and to the action in the field of social work; epistemological and methodological rationales for constructing analytical tools for the analysis of activity in the field of practice. Recently, she published Pedagogika społeczna. Pojmowanie aktywności w polu praktyki (2019), Social Pedagogy: Comprehending Activity in the Field of Practice (2020).

Joanna Sosnowska, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Joanna Sosnowska – historian of education, habilitated doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, university professor employed at the Department of History of Education and Pedeutology at the University of Lodz. Her research interests concern: the history of childcare and the history of Lodz in terms of social welfare: before 1914, in the years 1914–1918, and in the interwar period in Poland. Recently, she published Opieka nad dzieckiem w Polsce międzywojennej. Robotnicze Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci – Oddział Łódzki (1923–1939) [Childcare in Interwar Poland. Workers’ Society of Children’s Friends – Lodz Division (1923–1939)] (2020), Z dziejów opieki społecznej w Polsce międzywojennej. Półkolonie letnie w Łodzi [From the History of Social Welfare in Interwar Poland. Summer Day Camps in Lodz] (2018).


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How to Cite

Kamińska-Jatczak, I., Marynowicz-Hetka, E., & Sosnowska, J. (2022). International Conferences of Social Service in 1928 and 1932: Discussion on Education for Social Work. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 15(2), 313–330.

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