Diversity in the Family. Activities of the association of mothers, fathers and allies of LGBTQIA people My, Rodzice





family, non-heteronormativity, psychosexual orientation, gender identity, diversity, law, parenthood


The article presents information about the organization “My, Rodzice – stowarzyszenie matek, ojców i sojuszników osób LGBTQIA”. It discusses the current situation of LGBTQIA people in Poland, the directions of development and the areas of activity of their allies. The aim of the parents’ activity is to offer support and bring about social change.

Author Biography

Dorota Stobiecka, My, Rodzice – Stowarzyszenie matek, ojców i sojuszników osób LGBTQIA

Dorota Stobiecka – graduate of Polish studies from the University of Lodz. She has worked for many years in the field of informal education, beginning with ecological activities, through knowledge competitions in the humanities, and ending with the organization of Polish-German youth exchanges. President of the “My, Rodzice – stowarzyszenie matek, ojców i sojuszników osób LGBTQIA”, working towards building visibility and equal rights. Co-chair of the Campaign Against Homophobia.


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How to Cite

Stobiecka, D. (2022). Diversity in the Family. Activities of the association of mothers, fathers and allies of LGBTQIA people My, Rodzice. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 14(1), 203–208. https://doi.org/10.18778/2450-4491.14.13