New Challenges for Research in Educational Sciences: Action/Activity Perspective


  • Jean-Marie Barbier Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) Paris


research, education, activity


In this text it is assumed that due to economic and social changes, both education and training, recognized as professional activity, as well as other fields of influencing the Other (management, counseling, care, social work, communication) are currently under internal recomposition and transformation of their social role. Therefore, they tend to organize themselves not only as fields of practice, that can be enriched by disciplinary approaches defining the object of study, but also within the research field. This transformation is accompanied by a number of epistemological, theoretical and methodological orientations, which require clarification. This paper aims to review these orientations and focus particularly on the relationship between education and professional activity on the one hand, and on the theoretical issues of action/activity on the other. The text is arranged around the initial hypothesis that the development of research areas corresponds to the fields of practice. Their analysis requires the use of a conceptual apparatus that could accurately combine the construction of activity with the shaping of individual and collective actors.

Author Biography

Jean-Marie Barbier, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) Paris

Jean-Marie Barbier — professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, specialist in adult education and analysis of activity. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Catholic University of Louvain. Main interests: the problems of „taking up activity” in the area of research, education and professional activities. Recently published: Vocabulaire ďanalyse des activités, Paris 2011 (translated into Polish).


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How to Cite

Barbier, J.-M. (2015). New Challenges for Research in Educational Sciences: Action/Activity Perspective. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 1(1), 60–72. Retrieved from

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