During the Breaks and in Class: Specialist Language in the Education of Children and Young People


  • Urszula Majcher-Legawiec Uniwersytet Warszawski; Fundacja Wspierania Kultury i Języka Polskiego im. M. Reja




inclusive education, inclusion, pupil with migratory experience, techniques, special educational needs, language barrier, foreign pupil


Poland follows an integrative system when it comes to working with foreign pupils: the pupil attends classes without regard to his or her knowledge of Polish. This model is sometimes called inclusive education (inclusion). Knowledge of the language is a significant factor in social inclusion, as without it any contact with the culture and its representatives is only partial or is simply impossible. The lack of a common linguistic code creates a barrier in forming bonds and exchanging information between the native speakers of the language and foreigners who have not learned the language or have done so only partially. Finding techniques and ways to overcome these barriers by supporting language learning and facilitating understanding is crucial for the inclusion process. It is necessary to prepare teachers for working with pupils with limited or non-existent Polish skills. In Polish schools, the foreign pupil can count on modified requirements and individualized instruction, yet the goal of this is to allow the pupil to achieve autonomy in acquiring and presenting knowledge, as well as in communication with peers and others in both formal and informal situations. The teacher is the key to success here: when prepared, he or she is more comfortable, performs better and can take pride in his or her pupil’s progress. This paper presents and discusses some proposed techniques for working with students with language barriers during subject lessons in Polish schools.


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How to Cite

Majcher-Legawiec, U. (2017). During the Breaks and in Class: Specialist Language in the Education of Children and Young People. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 24, 243–259. https://doi.org/10.18778/0860-6587.24.18