The number of actual words and the average polish words in texts and the relation to the readability scale of Comparative analysis and practical implications




Readability, text difficulty, average word


The length of a text will be different depending on the choice of unit, if that should be the number of Actual Words (AW) or Average Words (APW, Moździerz 2020). The ratio of AW to APW in a text changes along with this text’s difficulty. An analysis of the ratio’s change across seven levels of readability on (publicly accessible program to asses the difficulty of Polish texts) scale was done. Ten thousand words from authentic Polish texts were collected for each level on, and their examination allowed the capture of the ratio’s change. As a result, a table of ratio proportional to different readability levels was created, which allows the easy assessment of any Polish text’s difficulty, by comparison of the text’s ratio to the table. Such an easily accessible assessment tool can be used in the process of Polish language education. 


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How to Cite

Moździerz, T. (2021). The number of actual words and the average polish words in texts and the relation to the readability scale of Comparative analysis and practical implications . Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 28, 323–340.