The Medicalization of Old Age Based on Selected Film Examples




medicalization, old age, ageing, film


The paper deals with the phenomenon of the medicalization of old age. In the process of medicalization, a natural, developmental, cultural, and social phenomenon changes into a medical problem. The process is concluded when a given attribute returns to culture as a medical issue. Examples of such a return include the tendentious image of elderly people in the public space and the media, in particular in films. Recognizing this phenomenon is the first step to a more critical and reflective reception of such messages and, as a consequence, using the medicalized approach to old age less and less frequently. The aim of the paper is to describe the phenomenon of medicalization of old age in films. Due to the role played by films in modelling of attitudes, the intensity of certain patterns may stigmatize the elderly. In order to examine whether such a phenomenon occurs, 37 films have been selected and analysed in terms of the selected aspects of medicalization. The work is empirical and the obtained results indicate that medicalization of old age is a very popular film motif.

Author Biographies

Anita Gałuszka, Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa im. W. Korfantego w Katowicach

Gałuszka, Anita – doctor of humanities, Department of Psychology at the Katowice Business University. Psychologist and pedagogist. Areas of study: psychology of health and illness, psychosomatics and somatic psychology, quality of life and psychogerontology. Author of the monograph entitled Człowiek przewlekle chory. Aspekty psychoegzystencjalne, Katowice 2005, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.

Eryka Probierz, Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach

Probierz, Eryka – doctoral student in the field of technical computer science and telecommunication at the Silesian University of Technology and in the field of psychology at the University of Silesia. Holder of an MA degree in psychology and a graduate of Philosophical Consultancy and Coaching at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Areas of study: behavioural addiction, use of technology in the community, problems in using the Internet, and communication with the use of technologies.


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How to Cite

Gałuszka, A., & Probierz, E. (2020). The Medicalization of Old Age Based on Selected Film Examples. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 10(1), 62–78.