Creative life orientations of students. Comparative study


  • Agata Cudowska Uniwersytet w Białymstoku



creative life orientations, everyday creativity, student


In the following article the author presents the main assumptions of the concept of creative life orientations. This category is described as a specific, personal and committed way of fulfilling everyday duties in life. The characteristics of people who prefer creative life orientations were defined. The philosophical, psychological and pedagogical theoretical sources of the concept and the previous studies on creative life orientations among high school students, students and teachers were presented. The methodological assumptions of recent research, carried out in a sample of Polish and Belorussian academic youth, were described. The results of these studies are presented in the scope of sociodemographic specifics of both groups, the diagnosis of the preferences of creative life orientations and dependencies between the analyzed variables. It was found that preferences for creative life orientations prevail among the surveyed students, but at a fairly low level of acceptance of the theorems Scale CLO. Significant statistical differences between the national groups in terms of the age of the respondents, the study year and the environment of origin were observed. The existence of a correlation between mothers’ education and preferences of creative life orientations of Polish students was confirmed.

Author Biography

Agata Cudowska, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Professor doctor habilitatus in social sciences, Head of the Department of Comparative Pedagogy at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Bialystok. Chairwoman of the Bialystok branch of the Polish Pedagogical Society and member of the Presidium of the Main Board in the 2017 –2020 term of office, as well as member of the Polish Society for Comparative Pedagogy and the Association for Supporting Intercultural Education. Her scientific interests focus on axiological issues, life orientations, creative attitudes and creativity in education. She developed two original life orientation concepts (1997, 2004) and tools for measuring them: The Scale of Life Orientation Preferences and the Scale of Creative Preferences of Life Orientations.


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How to Cite

Cudowska, A. (2019). Creative life orientations of students. Comparative study. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 7(2), 133–158.