Intermedia creative workshop "Mixmedia spaces", that is developing imagination through imagination




creative workshop, visual metaphor, multimodal metaphor, creative imagination, creative abilities


The paper presents three experiments where metaphorical thinking, visualization and visual art expression were important elements. A characteristic feature of the first experiment was the use of thinking by means of analogy and metaphorical thinking with verbal and visual expressions. In the second experiment related to creative imagination, visual metaphor was dominant. The third experiment was an intermedia creative workshop, in which multimodal metaphors and playing with a specific plot were significant features. Combining physical, virtual and mental spaces as well as moving participants between mixed extended real and virtual spaces were also key factors. The intermedia creative workshop was organized by students of art education in two stages. In the first stage, they designed the workshop while in the second stage, the workshop was run among early-school-age children.

Author Biography

Wiesława Limont, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Płocku

Professor of the humanities, former long-time Head of the Department of Art Education at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. She currently works at the State University of Applied Sciences in Plock. Her research areas include pedagogy of abilities, specific abilities, developmental potential and overexcitability. She is the author of education programs stimulating the development of imagination and creative abilities as well as the author of creative intermedia workshops designated for students of education studies and early schoolaged children.


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How to Cite

Limont, W. (2019). Intermedia creative workshop "Mixmedia spaces", that is developing imagination through imagination. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 7(2), 68–88.