Focus on creativity! Cognitive aspects of creativity


  • Krzysztof T. Piotrowski Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie



creativity, attention, working memory, improvisation


The main research problem is the differentiation of the state of attention during convergent and divergent tasks. Divergent tasks are associated with creative processes. These tasks require varied and often new solutions. It is necessary then to activate, in the working memory, information poorly connected to the long-term memory network. The key process in activating information in memory is attention. A hypothesis was that divergent tasks are performed with greater extensiveness of attention than convergent tasks. The research procedure used in the conducted experiment was based on the simultaneous execution of the extensive attention test and a convergent task (recalling the remembered melody) or a divergent task (improvisation based on the remembered melody). The results support the hypothesis. Creative processes depend on the state of attention and its active application.

Author Biography

Krzysztof T. Piotrowski, Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie

Doctor of psychology, employee of the Teacher Training Center of the Jagiellonian University and the Academy of Music in Cracow. He is involved in experimental studying of creativity and cognitive processes. He cooperates on an ongoing basis with the Center of Creative Education “Kangur” in Cracow, and with the Non-Public Teacher Training Center in Lesser Poland. He is the author of numerous publications on memory, attention, implicit learning, and supporting creative skills. He is also a co-editor of the books “New theories of creativity, new methods to support creativity” and “Working memory”. He created several original techniques to support creative thinking (i.e. linguistic-form techniques). He has more than twenty years’ experience in conducting workshops of creative thinking and problem solving.


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How to Cite

Piotrowski, K. T. (2019). Focus on creativity! Cognitive aspects of creativity. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 7(2), 56–67.