Patterns of activities among Cracow’s young retirees in an urban environment(an example of cluster analysis)


  • Anna Urbaniak University of Łódź, Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, Department of Sociology



cluster analysis, retirement, lifestyle, ageing, urban studies, social gerontology


Population ageing has drawn increasingly more attention to the question of retirement. On the one hand, the number of retirees increases and retirement becomes a more prominent part of life. As a result, people at present have developed a distinct retirement lifestyle and retirees become more diverse. This study presents how the choices of young retirees (individuals that are retired for no longer than 10 years) in urban environment differ. The empirical material used for this study consisted of 206 interviews conducted with inhabitants of Cracow. Interviews were conducted from June to December 2014. Hierarchical cluster analysis enabled to differ two type of time usage models (traditional and open) and 3 types of young retirees (active retirees residing in districts that have a wide offer dedicated to senior citizens, passive retirees with limited funds and moderately active older young retirees).


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How to Cite

Urbaniak, A. (2017). Patterns of activities among Cracow’s young retirees in an urban environment(an example of cluster analysis). Space – Society – Economy, (20), 65–87.