(De)legitimisation Strategies of the Candidates in the 2021 Rzeszów Mayoral Elections: A Corpus Analysis of Twitter





political discourse, corpus linguistics, social media, Twitter, Rzeszów


The article reconstructs and analyzes the discourses of those who took part in the 2021 Rzeszów early elections. The research material consisted of posts on the Twitter accounts of Konrad Fijołek, Marcin Warchoł, Ewa Leniart, and Grzegorz Braun during the election campaign. In order to accurately depict the discourses of these politicians, the study used corpus linguistics methods, which allow for an analysis at the quantitative level. It has been demonstrated that the candidates mainly focused on positive self-presentation and emphasizing their bonds with the city. However, certain differences of the discourses of individual politicians have been discerned: Marcin Warchoł made a self-presentation as a politician supported by the city’s residents and Mayor Ferenc, Konrad Fijołek highlighted the support of the political and media elites; while Grzegorz Braun’s discourse was most distinct from the other candidates (as the most radical). The paper demonstrates how corpus linguistics methods can complement research on media and political discourse.


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Author Biography

Marcin Kosman, Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie

Absolwent Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Obecnie zatrudniony w Akademii Ekonomiczno-Humanistycznej w Warszawie. Autor obronionej z wyróżnieniem rozprawy Dyskurs kampanii wyborczych Konfederacji Wolność i Niepodległość w latach 2019–2020. Dwukrotny laureat stypendium Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego za wybitne osiągnięcia. Teoretyk i praktyk dyskursu politycznego. Zainteresowania badawcze: dyskurs polskiej prawicy, metody mieszane, politolingwistyka, językoznawstwo korpusowe, socjologia przekładu.


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2024-02-28 — Updated on 2024-03-14


How to Cite

Kosman, M. (2024). (De)legitimisation Strategies of the Candidates in the 2021 Rzeszów Mayoral Elections: A Corpus Analysis of Twitter. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 20(1), 124–159. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8069.20.1.07 (Original work published February 28, 2024)



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