On Leontius and his struggles for the imperial throne in the years of 484–488. Once again





Leontius, Illus, emperor Zeno (475–491), usurpations


This article discusses the usurper Leontius, who opposed the Emperor Zeno in 484. He was most likely born in a family belonging to the circles of provincial aristocracy, which enabled him to receive a good education. As for his ethnicity, contrary to a rather popular scholarly opinion that he was from Isauria, he might just as well have come from Syria (as Theophanes points out directly). Regarding his position as magister militum per Thracias, it seems that he could have held it in the years 478–482 (there is no certainty that he exercised this function in 484). He probably had known Illus before 481/482 and together, they set off to the East, when Illus was assuming the post of magister militum. Leontius remained at his side until 484, when an open conflict with Zeno broke out. Leontius was proclaimed the emperor because Illus did not want to become one. It seems that the latter valued Leontius and trusted him.

After a moment of triumph on the day of imperial coronation (July 19, 484), only two months later, after the defeat of the forces commanded by Illus in the battle with the imperial forces, Leontius had to take refuge in the fortress of Papyrion, in which he spent about four years, awaiting his demise. He was killed at the hands of imperial soldiers in 488.


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Author Biography

Mirosław J. Leszka, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Prof. dr hab. Mirosław Leszka – zatrudniony w Katedrze Historii Bizancjum Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego na stanowisku profesora.

Zainteresowania naukowe: dzieje Bizancjum i średniowiecznej Bułgarii, w szczególności: uzurpacje w okresie wczesno- i średniobizantyńskim, arystokracja wojskowa w drugiej połowie V w., cesarzowe w okresie wczesno- i średniobizantyńskim, Konstantynopol w okresie wczesno- i średniobizantyńskim, stosunki bizantyńsko-bułgarskie VII–XII w., dzieje państwowości bułgarskiej VII–XI w.



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How to Cite

Leszka, M. J. (2021). On Leontius and his struggles for the imperial throne in the years of 484–488. Once again. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 20(1), 47–72. https://doi.org/10.18778/1644-857X.20.01.03


