Discourse Problems. On Reading Jürgen Habermas


  • Agnieszka Smrokowska-Reichmann Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie




The author of the paper presents some critical opinions (including her own) on Habermas' conception of language and discourse. At the same time she strives to explain the main controversies which arise from Habermas' key categories. For example Habermas seems to compare the structure of society with the structure of language, underlining the importance of common practice of speech acts. But is there still any room for such communicative activity in the modern postindustrial world? And, first of all, must we really concentrate all our efforts on promoting the communicative rationality? The results of universalization principle, as well as the interrelations between communicative action and discourse (both highlighted in the paper) belong to other problems of Habermas' philosophy. The paper discusses weak points or even inconsistencies which can be noticed in these conceptions. Finally the author reflects on Habermas' ideal speech situation and on "the utopia touch" in Habermas' seemingly practical concepts.


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How to Cite

Smrokowska-Reichmann, A. (2012). Discourse Problems. On Reading Jürgen Habermas. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica, (25), 111–131. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6107.25.05


