Inflection in a bilingual child. A case study




children’s bilingualism, simultaneous/parallel bilingualism, heritage language, Polish language, Slovenian language, positive transfer, negative transfer/interference


In the article, the author presents the mutual impacts of Polish and Slovenian on one another in terms of nominal inflection (mainly of nouns and adjectives) and verb inflection in the speech of a bilingual child in his early development, specifically: positive transfer and interferences. She discusses the parallel children’s bilingualism of a boy living in a mixed family, where various strategies of addressing the child were used, mainly the rule “one parent, one language” (mother – Polish, father – Slovenian). The presence of interference in the child’s speech also caused by the language of the environment in which the boy lived, i.e. the Slovenian language, which could become the dominant one. Some of the examples of Marko’s speech presented in the article indicate special linguistic phenomena which existed in his early linguistic development, e.g., code mixing, switching from one language to the other, and translation.


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How to Cite

Wtorkowska, M. (2019). Inflection in a bilingual child. A case study. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 26, 271–286.