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Objectives of learning and teaching polish as a foreign language in Polish studies for foreigners. Analysis of students’ language needs and teaching implications


  • Dominika Bucko Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Polonistyki, Instytut Glottodydaktyki Polonistycznej, Zakład Językoznawstwa Stosowanego image/svg+xml
  • Marzena Wawrzeń Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Polonistyki, Instytut Glottodydaktyki Polonistycznej, Zakład Języka Polskiego Jako Obcego image/svg+xml



analysis of language needs, questionnaire, teaching Polish as a foreign language at the academic level


Polish Studies for Foreigners is a newly opened field of study at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University, responding to the growing demand for learning Polish as part of university education. In the academic year 2022/2023, the vast majority of students in this field of study came from Ukraine. For this reason, the assumed learning objectives should be modified to take into account the language needs of students from across the eastern border. The aim of the article is to present a questionnaire as a research tool that enabled us to determine the language priorities of this group of students. Defining linguistic and non-linguistic needs allows them to be included in the objectives, learning outcomes, and content of the curricula. After discussing the results of the survey, we will draw conclusions regarding language needs and didactic solutions that respond to the goals and priorities of students from Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Bucko, D., & Wawrzeń, M. (2023). Objectives of learning and teaching polish as a foreign language in Polish studies for foreigners. Analysis of students’ language needs and teaching implications. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 30, 21–41.