Daily life in the Kalisz garrison in the years 1921–1939


  • Witold Jarno Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filozoficzno-Historyczny, Instytut Historii, Katedra Historii Polski i Świata po 1945 roku




the history of Kalisz in the 20th century, Polish Army in the Second Polish Republic, Kalisz garrison, Polish 25th Infantry Division


The article describes the daily life of soldiers in the Kalisz garrison in the interwar period. In this garrison stationed at that time troops of 25th Infantry Division, including the division headquarters, the 29th Infantry Regiment and the 25th Light Artillery Regiment and several smaller military institutions. The main task of the army during peacetime was combat training to prepare the army for a potential war. During the training, soldiers were taught basic information about the country and the army, military regulations, drill and weapon. Military training included the main part of the soldier’s day, but apart from that – so-called daily life included a number of other elements. An important role was also played by cultural and educational activities and celebration of military, state and church holidays. An important role in everyday life of soldiers played a sport, that served improving physical fitness and overall fitness. No less important element was the permanent military contacts with the local authorities of Kalisz and its inhabitants. All these elements were important for patriotic education of soldiers, because they reminded them of important facts about the history of their own unit and history of Poland, they taught respect for military symbols and helped to break some stereotypes about military service and bring soldiers closer to their own society.


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How to Cite

Jarno, W. (2018). Daily life in the Kalisz garrison in the years 1921–1939. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (102), 115–133. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6050.102.09

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