Turist of historical guidebook? „Przewodnik po powstańczej Warszawie” – analysis of the genre model





The article presents the genre model of a guidebook. This model was confronted with the text of Przewodnik po powstańczej Warszawie written by J. S. Majewski & T. Urzykowski. The aim of the conducted analysis is to search the genre pattern in the given text. The genological analysis presented in our article includes structural, pragmatic, informative and stylistic matters. The article shows the modifications of guidebook structure, functions and style. The genre of a guidebook is constructed by practical orientation, multi-genres and relation between author – reader. The analysis shows the characteristics such as practical orientation, multi-genres and the features, which modify genre model of the guidebook. The most important modification concerns the text’s function. The analyzed book demonstrates first of all expressive and impressive functions, more than practical ones. The given text of the guidebook is an example of the practical text, which borders on literary one. The analyzed text is the alternative variant of turist guidebook. We propose to call it a historical guidebook / historical cicerone.


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How to Cite

Gajda, A. (2013). Turist of historical guidebook? „Przewodnik po powstańczej Warszawie” – analysis of the genre model. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 47, 7–19. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6077.47.01


