Through machine to God. Transhumanism in “Perfekcyjna niedoskonałość” (“Perfect Imperfection”) by Jacek Dukaj


  • Beata Atłas-Leśniewicz Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Instytut Nauk o Literaturze Polskiej im. I. Opackiego, Zakład Literatury Współczesnej image/svg+xml



Dukaj, trans-humanism, perfect imperfection, artificial intelligence, science fiction


The text analysis the school of thought called trans-humanism as represented in the novel by Jacek Dukaj “Perfekcyjna niedoskonałość” (Perfect Imperfection). In the first part, the author briefly describes its variations, such as bioethical abolitionism, immortalism and singularitarianism. Moving on to the substance of the novel, the author presents trans-humanist concepts present within it, starting with the anticipated changes in the social hierarchy, methods of education and family relationships, as well as changes in biological aspects of humanity, to the point where ordinary (unimproved) man is left far behind artificial intelligence. The author also points out contemporary concepts that are reflected in the fictional reality, such as post-genderism and risks associated with significant changes in society and system of government. The work concludes with a discussion on the concept of Ultimative Inclusion, which is an achievable stage of development guaranteeing a divine status in our universe.


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Author Biography

Beata Atłas-Leśniewicz, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Instytut Nauk o Literaturze Polskiej im. I. Opackiego, Zakład Literatury Współczesnej

doktorantka w Katedrze Literatury Współczesnej Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują: literaturę fantastyczno-naukową, zagadnienie wpływu technologii na człowieka, psychoanalizę, utopizm, przemiany cywilizacyjne. Prezentowany artykuł to debiut naukowy autorki.


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How to Cite

Atłas-Leśniewicz, B. (2015). Through machine to God. Transhumanism in “Perfekcyjna niedoskonałość” (“Perfect Imperfection”) by Jacek Dukaj. Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, (4), 105–123.


