Oval Tempiettos in Small Sacred Architecture in Poland





Bernini Gianlorenzo, sepulchral art, Pozzo Andrea, tempietto, 18th century


The most commonly applied compositional motif in Polish Baroque altarsis an aedicula, variously transformed – in the Berninian spirit – with an intermittent or curved finial, and multiple side pillars. I believe that it would be advisable to distinguish a set of solutions that stem from the idea Francesco Borromini applied while designing the bays within the pillars of the nave in the Archbasilica of St. John [in] Lateran in Rome. This composition refers to the concept of tempiettoson a circular plan, and the modification there lies in its extensive transformation: lowering the frontal pillars, and giving it an oval plan with an intermittent finial. Thus, what we have there is an attempt to design a pillared canopy that opens towards the interior of the church and which contains either sculptures or a painting composition.


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How to Cite

Bania, Z. (2018). Oval Tempiettos in Small Sacred Architecture in Poland. TECHNE. Seria Nowa, (1), 133–146. https://doi.org/10.18778/2084-851X.05.07


