The Monk versus the Philosopher: From the History of the Bulgarian-Byzantine War 894-896


  • Mirosław J. Leszka Uniwersytet Łódzki, Katedra Historii Bizancjum
  • Katarzyna Gucio



The article is devoted to a few problems: 1 how Symeon and Leo the Philosopher looked at the Bulgarian-Byzantine war of 894–896; 2. what place it took in their life experiences; 3 how it was inscribed in the concept of relations between countries whose inhabitants follow the same religion. The war of the years 894–896 showed that Symeon was not only a cabinet scholar and a former monk, but a statesman, a gifted leader, skillful and ruthless negotiator. This war made him realize his own strength and gave him an opportunity to test his skills as a leader and a ruler. The war also demonstrated to the Byzantines that the Bulgarians, although they were Christians, were still dangerous opponents. Leo VI, a wise man and a scholar suffered a great defeat in dealing with just as scholarly but much more determined and gifted with military talents Bulgarian ruler. The former Monk defeated the Philosopher.


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How to Cite

Leszka, M. J., & Gucio, K. (2011). The Monk versus the Philosopher: From the History of the Bulgarian-Byzantine War 894-896. Studia Ceranea, 1, 55–70.




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