From one Crisis to Another – "The King, the Rat and the King’s Fool" by Matéi Visniec




crisis, carnival, revolution, Visniec, power, grotesque


The purpose of this article is to analyze different aspects of the crisis present in the play entitled The King, the Rat and the King’s Fool by Matéi Visniec. In this grotesque play, we move from a crisis of the monarchy, situated in a world that is both carnivalesque and revolutionary, to a crisis of humanity in democratic society. The madness of the leaders, the degeneration of the society, the crisis of the words and the manipulation of the history, which is at the service of the politics, are the main facets of the crisis, denounced by the author through the various forms of the grotesque and around which the present analysis is structured.


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Author Biography

Sylwia Kucharuk, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University

Sylwia Kucharuk, professeure de l’université, travaille à la Philologie romane de l’Université Marie Curie Skłodowska de Lublin. Elle est l’auteure de Pirandello i Szaniawski – przyczynek do badań komparatystycznych (2011) [Pirandello i Szaniawski – étude comparative] et de Jean Anouilh. En quête de la métathéâtralité (2019). Son domaine d’intérêt est le théâtre français et francophone des XXe et XXIe siècles.


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How to Cite

Kucharuk, S. . (2022). From one Crisis to Another – "The King, the Rat and the King’s Fool" by Matéi Visniec. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, 17(1), 131–141.