“The illusion of the deceiving garden”. Crisis Writing in Jardins maures [Moorish Gardens] by Aline Réveillaud de Lens





garden, crisis, Aline Réveillaud de Lens, Maghreb, woman


The aim of this contribution is to answer the question of why in Jardin maures [Moorish Gardens], a collection of short stories written by a French writer and painter of the colonial era, Aline Réveillaud de Lens (1881-1925), the imaginary of the garden intervenes with that of the crisis. Are we simply dealing with the crisis of the garden understood as an Edenic place or are we faced in those short stories with other crises that the writer evokes by using this incongruous union of the garden and the crisis? To answer these questions, we have divided our paper into three parts. The first will briefly introduce the writer and the collection. The second will show that the crisis of the garden may denounce some crises of Muslim society and the third part will describe the crisis of the garden as the crisis of a certain dream.


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Author Biography

Małgorzata Sokołowicz, University of Warsaw

Małgorzata Sokołowicz, maîtresse de conférences HDR à l’Institut d’études romanes de l’Université de Varsovie et à l’Université de musique Frédéric-Chopin, membre associée du laboratoire CERCLE de l’Université de Lorraine, est l’auteure des livres La Catégorie du héros romantique dans la poésie française et polonaise au XIXe siècle (2014), Orientalisme, colonialisme, interculturalité. L’œuvre d’Aline Réveillaud de Lens (2020) et d’une soixantaine d’articles sur les relations entre littérature et art, l’orientalisme, les relations de voyage et l’écriture (post)coloniale.


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How to Cite

Sokołowicz, M. . (2022). “The illusion of the deceiving garden”. Crisis Writing in Jardins maures [Moorish Gardens] by Aline Réveillaud de Lens. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, 17(1), 51–65. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9065.17.1.05