Deception in negotiations. Creating the vision of desired states




negotiations, manipulation, neuro linguistic programming


The article offers an analysis of the topic of negotiations, from the most concreto area (finances) to the most abstract (status and feelings), and then an analysis of the many meanings of the term profit, which in negotiations has three areas: mine, yours, or shared. Yet the estimation of profit requires a comparison with the idealsituation expectations or with other empirically available kinds of goods (profit). In all these, it is possible to modify the vision of a situation through tinkering or even systemic deception via the image of an anchor point, the extreme value. The concept of neuro-linguistic programming in particular includes a rich set of verbal manipulations, which may reflect the hidden intentions of a negotiating party. Even in an individual’s cognitive system, there exist tendencies for tinkering with the image of truth in order to protect the person’s good opinion of themselves. In the other part of the article, the authors discussed seven strategies of manipulation which are used in Polish business practice.


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Author Biography

Zbigniew Nęcki, Professor, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Psychology and Humanities

Zbigniew Nęcki – professor, social psychologist, for many years the director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The author of many works on managing teams, techniques of negotiations, and business psychology. He possesses extensive experience in conducting managerial and sales training sessions. He presented his papers and delivered lectures at various universities around the world, e.g. in the US, Mexico, India, Nepal, Italy, the UK, and Finland. He is invited to television and radio talk shows on a regular basis; he offers comments on current social situation. He published eight books and over 100 papers on interpersonal relations. Currently, he is the dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University.


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How to Cite

Nęcki, Z., & Nęcki, S. (2020). Deception in negotiations. Creating the vision of desired states. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 58(3), 113–135.