Reception and interpretation of literary texts of V. Shukshin by foreign language audience (on the material of the short story Borya)


  • Елена Хабибуллина Казанский федеральный университет (Казань, Россия), Гиссенский университет (Гиссен, Германия)



reading comprehension, Russian as a foreign language, analysis of a text


Academic curricula and programmes of Russian as a foreign language provide students with the course of reading as a separate subject area. Problems connected with using literary texts as a part of teaching process of the subject has been described by N.Kulibina in her book Why, what and how to read in classroom. Certainly, the choice of literary text and type of work should be determined by the language level of students. In advanced groups it is recommended to use for reading original texts in Russian language. Unfortunatelly, teachers very seldom come to the literary texts by V. Shukshin – first of all, because of their linguistic complexity: numerous lexical and grammatical constructions of colloquial language, which make it very difficult to understand the text. Nevertheless, in our opinion, among works of Shukshin there are lots of texts that can be successfully used in the teaching process. And what is worth mentioning here, they reveal deep philosophical world of their author.


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How to Cite

Хабибуллина, Е. (2018). Reception and interpretation of literary texts of V. Shukshin by foreign language audience (on the material of the short story Borya). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (15), 27–34.