Organization of General Zionists in Poland (1934–1939)


  • Wojciech Jaworski



Zionism, Poland, 1918–1939


In 1923, within the framework of the Zionist Organization in Poland (the party was active in former Russian partition and the Pomeranian and Poznań voivodeship) were formed factions, radical Al Hamiszmar and moderate Et Liwnot. The second faction postulated the emigration of Jews from Poland to Palestine based mostly on private funds. Its gathered Zionists belonging the middle and high social classes, well-educated, mostly assimilated culturally pro-Polish. Due to the deterioration of the material situation of Jews and the great economic crisis, its social influence was rapidly decreasing. In 1934, the activists factions formed new party – Organization of General Zionists in Poland. Her leader until 1939 was an attorney Leon Lewite. The party did not have much social influence. It concentrated its efforts on attempts to unite general Zionist party in Poland and in the world. It also tried to define the interests of Jews in city councils and the parliament.


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Author Biography

Wojciech Jaworski

dr Wojciech Jaworski (1960–) Zainteresowania badawcze: dzieje życia społeczno-politycznego na ziemiach polskich w latach 1864–1970, w tym szczególnie ruchu syjonistycznego oraz ludności żydowskiej na Górnym Śląsku i w Zagłębiu Dąbrowskim.


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How to Cite

Jaworski, W. (2020). Organization of General Zionists in Poland (1934–1939). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (106), 105–123.