The French in the Spanish Civil War: fight against fascism and defence of the fatherland


  • Frédéric Dessberg Uniwersytet w Paryżu 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / Akademia Wojskowa Saint-Cyr



French volunteers, French communist party, French-Spanish border, political commissioners


In spite of the non-intervention decision taken in Paris, the French volunteers were the greatest number among the foreign fighters involved in the Spanish Civil War. The French military and diplomatic archives, even if it does not appear so often in the bulk of studies dedicated to them, show their ideological motivation against „fascism” but also a patriotic one. The fight against the Spanish military rebellion could be taken up with the idea of defence of the French republican and democratic model. This paper describes the experience of the French volunteers (mostly workers) from the point of view of their individual commitments in July 1936. It analyses their role and their action inside the International Brigades. At last, it is about the returns to France, through the prism of the French political and military authorities.


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How to Cite

Dessberg, F. (2016). The French in the Spanish Civil War: fight against fascism and defence of the fatherland. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (97), 13–30.