The Patronage of the Vasa Dynasty over the Missions of the Discalced Carmelites and Jesuits in Persia




House of Vasa, Safavids, Catholic Missions, Discalced Carmelites, Jesuits


The Polish kings of the Vasa dynasty played a key role in the establishment and development of the 17th-century mission of the Discalced Carmelites and Jesuits in Persia. The first Polish historian who drew attention to the role of the kings of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the development and functioning of Catholic missions in Persia was the Jesuit and missionary Juda Tadeusz Krusiński. In the book Prodromus ad historiam revolutionis Persicae seu legationis Fulgide Porte ad Persarum Regem he included a separate chapter entitled Appendix de legationibus persico-polonicis per quas serenissimorum Regum Poloniae protectioni missiones persicae assertae. The most important form of patronage of Polish kings was political, organizational and financial support for missionary activities for both orders. Sigismund III not only became involved in the organization and stay of the first legation of the Discalced Carmelites in the Polish-Lithuanian state, but also actively participated in the founding of the first monasteries of the Order in Poland. Very quickly, the Holy See and the missionaries realized that the strong position of the Polish rulers at the Persian Shah’s court, where they were perceived as the most important and best-connected European allies in the war with the Ottoman Empire, could play a key role in ensuring stability and security for missionary activities. This made the Discalced Carmelites, and in the middle of the 17th century, the Jesuits, seek support at the court of Polish kings. The decisions of the Discalced Carmelites to place themselves under the protection of Ladislaus IV resulted from their knowledge of Poland, from over twenty years of experience in contacts with Sigismund III, as well as from a skillful assessment of the position of the Republic of Poland within the Safavid policy. Thanks to close cooperation with missionaries, the Polish court gained an additional channel for the circulation of information between Isfahan–Rome–Krakow/Warsaw. As F. Richard’s research showed, the renewal or granting of new privileges to both orders discussed here was closely related to the diplomatic activities of Polish kings. The Vasas, and later John III Sobieski, provided financial support to the missions in Persia. The perpetual foundation of Queen Louise Marie for the Jesuits was a unique form of assistance on a European scale to missionaries operating in Persia. It also became the foundation for the missionary and diplomatic activities of Polish Jesuits in the second half of the 17th century and at the beginning of the 18th century. At the same time, the Safavids, starting with Abbas I, began to treat missionaries as important liaisons with European countries, commissioning them, among others, to diplomatic missions. The Shahs, while granting them protection and privileges, knew that the presence of monks in their country, depended only on their will. In this way, the missionaries became a tool of pressure and an important element in relations with European countries, including Poland. That is why when conflicts with Turkey escalated in their or European countries, the Safavids adopted a positive attitude towards the monks. In these circumstances, T. Szemberg obtained permission to consecrate the Carmelite church in Isfahan and renew the privileges of this order. It was similar in the case of the Jesuits obtaining permission to start their missionary activity, which took place at the time of the war for Candia and during the stay of the Polish king’s embassy.


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Author Biography

Ryszard Skowron, Uniwersytet Śląski / University of Silesia

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Skowron – kierownik Zespołu do Badań nad Dziejami Europy i Rzeczypospolitej w Dobie Nowożytnej (XVI–XVIII w.) w Instytucie Historii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, członek korespondent Real Academia de la Historia w Madrycie. Zainteresowania naukowe: historia dyplomacji, związki Polski i Hiszpanii w epoce nowożytnej, dwór królewski, dzieje Wawelu, relacje polsko-perskie w XVI–XVIII w.


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How to Cite

Skowron, R. (2023). The Patronage of the Vasa Dynasty over the Missions of the Discalced Carmelites and Jesuits in Persia. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (112), 85–115.