How much Lucifer in Lucifer? TV series character and its biblical prototype Differences and similarities




Satan, Lucifer, Holy Bible, apocryphal literature, TV series


Satan and the origins of Evil have fascinated mankind since the dawn of time. Therefore, this article attempts to answer the question who is Satan and why is he often identified with Lucifer? We will then follow his fate written on the pages of the Holy Bible and apocryphal literature, and finally compare Satan with the title character of the popular TV series Lucifer. Thus it will be possible to answer the next question – to what extent the protagonist of the series, the personification of the common ideas about Satan rooted in popular culture, resembles his biblical prototype.


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Author Biography

Aleksandra Bartosiewicz, Uniwersytet Łódzki / University of Lodz

Dr Aleksandra Bartosiewicz – adiunkt w Katedrze Badań Operacyjnych na Wydziale Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznym Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Zainteresowania naukowe: transport i logistyka, transport morski i kolejowy kontenerów, optymalizacja i analiza rynków, historia konteneryzacji, historia giełdy, biografie znanych postaci historycznych.


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How to Cite

Bartosiewicz, A. (2021). How much Lucifer in Lucifer? TV series character and its biblical prototype Differences and similarities. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (108), 237–253.