The locations of witch Sabbaths in early modern era – their significance and topographic specificity. Contributions to research on witchcraft trials in Silesia and Moravia




witch, wittches sabbath, witch trials, Silesia, Moravia, Petrovy Kameny, Łysa Góra, Blocksberg


There are many stereotypes related to witches and witch trials in the public’s imagination. One of the popular elements associated to this issue is the question of the witches’ Sabbath, which the witches attended. The Sabbath itself is a collection of the fantasies of late medieval and early modern society, with specific features depending on the region. Researchers assume that the sources of the meetings that later became known as the Sabbath were those attributed to heretics who worshiped the devil during them. This meeting was characterized by a certain order of rituals and customs. They could take place not only on such characteristic days as April 30, but also a week, up to three times. According to testimonies, witches arrived at the Sabbath on broomsticks or pitchforks, and during the meeting an orgy would often take place. These meetings took place in special places, mainly on various hills. The most famous mountains, where the Sabbaths took place, are Blocksberg in the Harz Mountains, Łysa Góra, and when it comes to the border area of Silesia and Moravia – Petrovy Kameny, which appear in large numbers in the testimonies of people accused of witchcraft in this area. This place, which is located on the border of the estate, was considered to be full of the forces of darkness, therefore in 1682 it was decided to consecrate it. Very often specific areas or regions “had” their own mountain where witch meetings took place. The Sabbaths could also take place in less obvious places, e.g. in clearings, trees, road branches or near the gallows. In some cases, in memory of such meetings, characteristic names such as Hexenplan or Hexenplatz remained, which not only can be found on old maps, but also function to this day in designated areas.


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Author Biography

Karolina Wojtucka, Uniwersytet Wrocławski / University of Wrocław

mgr Karolina Wojtucka – historyk i germanistka, doktorantka w Instytucie Historycznym Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Członek Stowarzyszenia Ochrony i Badań Zabytków Prawa, w ramach którego uczestniczyła w licznych badaniach archeologicznych dawnych miejsc straceń na Śląsku i Górnych Łużycach. Kierownik grantów wewnętrznych, stypendystka w projekcie Sonata Bis finansowanym przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Zainteresowania badawcze: historia nowożytna, procesy o czary, kastelologia, dzieje Śląska, archeologia miejsc straceń, przestępczość kryminalna, wybrane aspekty antropologii i kulturoznawstwa, dydaktyka nauczania historii.


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How to Cite

Wojtucka, K. (2020). The locations of witch Sabbaths in early modern era – their significance and topographic specificity. Contributions to research on witchcraft trials in Silesia and Moravia. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (107), 133–151.