Female faces: witchcraft and melancholy. Some reflections about the perception of psychotic conditions in the past and present


  • Igor Kąkolewski Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn; Centrum Badań Historycznych PAN w Berlinie / Centre for Historical Research in Berlin of the Polish Academy of Science https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5721-3988




witch haunt, mental disorders, melancholy, misogyny, history of medicine


The author of the article presents an interpretation of the early modern discourses on witchcraft and mental disorders from the perspective of exclusion and inclusion processes regulating social dynamic in specific historical conditions. An intellectual basis for the early modern discourses on witchcraft and mental disorders was a traditional assumption about an alleged weakness and tendency of the female nature to conditions associated with melancholy, which was seen as both a natural (temperamental) condition and a supernatural one caused by the devil (melancholia diabolica). Popular misogynic opinions in the discourse on witchcraft were also present in the discourse on melancholy perceived as mainly a female illness, and encouraging the concept of the “majority” of Christian society being threatened by the “minority” of women accused of witchcraft and additionally marginalized by the association with a religious and ethnic “otherness”.


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Author Biography

Igor Kąkolewski, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn; Centrum Badań Historycznych PAN w Berlinie / Centre for Historical Research in Berlin of the Polish Academy of Science

dr hab. Igor Kąkolewski, prof. UWM – historyk, profesor nadzwyczajny Uniwersytetu Warmińsko- Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, dyrektor Centrum Badań Historycznych PAN w Berlinie. Zainteresowania badawcze: historia Polski i Europy XVI–XVIII w., historia stosunków polsko- niemieckich od schyłku średniowiecza do XX w., historia Żydów polskich i niemieckich we wczesnej epoce nowożytnej i w XX w., badania kultur pamięci, muzealnictwo, dydaktyka historii.


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How to Cite

Kąkolewski, I. (2020). Female faces: witchcraft and melancholy. Some reflections about the perception of psychotic conditions in the past and present. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (107), 79–95. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6050.107.04