Modernization Processes in Russian Society


  • Ирина Орлова Rosyjska Akademia Gospodarki Narodowej i Służby Państwowej przy Prezydencie Federacji Rosyjskiej



modernizations, Russia, NGOs, civil society


This paper discusses the process of institutionalization of social control in the Russian Federation. Proved the importance of the adoption of the federal law „On the basis of social control” to protect and promote the interests of citizens. The author pays special attention the empowerment of citizens and NGOs in managing state affairs, to ensure transparency and openness of public authorities. It is concluded that due to public scrutiny should occur increasing the efficiency of public authorities and local governments. As a result of the introduction of mechanisms of public control should be a decrease in the risk of illegal adoption and implementation, and (or) contrary to the public interest decisions. The law will contribute to social and political stability in the society, a more complete realization of the constitutional rights of citizens to participate in public affairs.


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How to Cite

Орлова, И. (2016). Modernization Processes in Russian Society. Eastern Review, 5, 99–112.