Angst (anxiety / fear) as verbal and pictorial trace in graphic novels on historical events of the 20th century


  • Brigitte Schultze Die Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz



JAQUES TARDI, JAROSLAV RUDIŠ, SIMON SCHWARTZ, Graphic Novel, verbal-pictorial paratext, traumatization, Berlin Wall, Central East Europe


Next to many other characterizations, e.g. ‘century of dictators’, the wording ‘century of anxiety’ is probably likewise justified for the Twentieth century. This contribution is a first attempt at inquiring into the presentation of anxiety in verbal-pictorial narratives. Verbal and pictorial traces of anxiety (fear) – i.e. techniques of causing anxiety (fear) for political ends on the one hand and experience of anxiety (fear) on the other hand – are a substantial meaning making offer in many graphic novels on the history of the 20thcentury. Though esthetically and intellectually demanding, hence an offer of reappraisal of the past, so far, the topic of anxiety (fear) has escaped the attention of research projects. This study concerns history experienced and endured from World War One to the time of change around 1989. In a choice of five graphic novels by German, French, Polish and Czech experts of the genre, especially pictorial traces of Angst offer atmospheric density, precision and, at the same time, openness for further interpretation.

Author Biography

Brigitte Schultze, Die Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Prof. em. Dr., (Slavistin, Amerikanistin, Anglistin) hatte bis 2005/2006 an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz den Lehrstuhl für Westslavische Literaturen (polnische, tschechische Literatur) inne. Ihre Forschungen im Felde der Polonistik, Bohemistik und Russistik betreffen u.a. Fragen zur Gattungspoetik und zu Drama und Theater, ein breites Spektrum komparatistischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Problemstellungen sowie die Translationswissenschaft und Graphic Novel (Comic). E-Mail:


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How to Cite

Schultze, B. (2020). Angst (anxiety / fear) as verbal and pictorial trace in graphic novels on historical events of the 20th century. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 7–45.


