La consolazione di Dio nelle prove del ministero exempla in 2 Cor. 1, 3–11


  • Gildo Iacoviello Pontifical Faculty of Science Education Auxilium of Rome


Słowa kluczowe:

consolation, affliction, tribulation, ministry, tests


In the following article we have tried to analyze the consolation of God in the Pauline ministry tests. The reason that prompted me to address the topic of consolation of God, finds its explanation in the fact that too often we focus on the sufferings of this time without cast an eye over a horizon of hope. The works we have examined could be a source of consolation for the man who is living moments of trial. It is processed in the following way: First of all, it has made an etymological study of two terms: affliction and consolation, trying to see the various facets of Jewish antiquity, and in the texts of Sacred Scripture, even with short references to classical Greek. Later it saw the word in the Old and New Testament. Then, after a brief summary of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, it analyzed the passage 2 Cor. 1.3 to 11, which has been the subject of study and then move on to some issues, deepen through study of some authors who have addressed the issue. Particular attention was given to the sufferings of Christ that Paul experienced in his apostolate and their saving power for the believer.

Biogram autora

Gildo Iacoviello - Pontifical Faculty of Science Education Auxilium of Rome

After graduating from The ITC Rampone of Benevento, he spent a period of study in the United States. Later he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies at ISSR Moscati of Avellino and was licensed in the ISSR Ecclesia Mater of the Pontifical Lateran University. He is a member of Community of Sant’Egidio through which he devotes significant resources
of service to the poor. He collaborates with several parishes in which he held catechesis on the Word of God to the young people and organized the training meetings for catechists. Currently he is studying psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Pontifical Faculty of Science Education Auxilium of Rome.


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Jak cytować

Iacoviello, G. (2016). La consolazione di Dio nelle prove del ministero exempla in 2 Cor. 1, 3–11. Collectanea Philologica, (19), 27–43.


