The principle of contrast in raising architectural attractiveness of health resorts – example of Truskavets


  • Oleksandra Dyda Олександра Дида, dr, asystent, Uniwersytet Narodowy Politechnika Lwowska ukr. Львівська політехніка, Ukraina, Lwów, 79013, Bandery 12



resort, architectural attractiveness of space, the principle of contrast, Truskavets


Successful functioning of modern small resort towns is in all aspects directly connected with their competitiveness as compared to other similar objects. One of the ways to ensure such competitiveness is to create an attractive architectural space with certain characteristics that differentiate the town from its competitors and attract attention by means of contrast. The article assesses the application of the principle of contrast for identification of potentially attractive characteristics of architectural space using Truskavets as an example.


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How to Cite

Dyda, O. (2018). The principle of contrast in raising architectural attractiveness of health resorts – example of Truskavets. Biuletyn Uniejowski, 7, 135–149.


