The tourist assets of the 21st Festival of Slavs and Vikings on Wolin Island


  • Łukasz Kujawa absolwent studiów licencjackich „turystyka i rekreacja” na Wydziale Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, student II roku studiów magisterskich z ekonomii na Wydziale Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznym Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.



historical reenactment, tourism attractiveness, value, festival


The article discusses influence of sightseeing values of XXI edition of Festival of Slavs and Vikings as touristically attractive event. It also brings closer the outline of activity of historical reenactment. The results of surveys performed during the Festival among tourists and reenactors and presented in the text are aimed to confirm the thesis about high attractiveness of the event. This text is based on a Bachelor thesis titled Tourism attractiveness of the XXI Festival of Slavs and Vikings written with the help of Dr Joanna Latosińska. 


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How to Cite

Kujawa, Łukasz. (2017). The tourist assets of the 21st Festival of Slavs and Vikings on Wolin Island. Warsztaty Z Geografii Turyzmu, 8(1), 71–80.