Płomyczek’s handbook on good manners as a manifestation of upbringing strategies under socialism





good manners, upbringing, children’s press, the People’s Republic of Poland, Poland’s political history


The article raises the topic of good manners and upbringing in the People’s Republic of Poland using the example of children’s and young adult press from the period. The author analysed 24 issues of Płomyczek from 1968 considering literature in education, upbringing strategies, and etiquette. Leaving aside the issues of propaganda and ideology, she enriched the analysis by considering the political history of Poland during the period of the “minor stabilisation”.


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Author Biography

Anita Grzegorzewska, M.A., University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Chair of Journalism and Social Communication

Anita Grzegorzewska – lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Lodz. She researches linguistics, prosody and social communication issues such as PR, language pragmatics, and non-verbal communication. She is also interested in anthropology as well as cultures (ancient and contemporary) and religions. She is the author of the theory of communication prosody. She published a lot of articles on widely understood issues of social communication.


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How to Cite

Grzegorzewska, A. (2020). Płomyczek’s handbook on good manners as a manifestation of upbringing strategies under socialism. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 58(3), 335–357. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.58.18