The meaning of activities in Okolice Sztuki – much went on at Strych


  • Włodzimierz Adamiak Ph.D. in art, interior architecture, Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning



Okolice Sztuki, Kultura Zrzuty, Strych


The text is a commentary to the phenomena in Polish modern art in the final years of the 20th century. It constitutes a “first-hand” account by a participant of the events and the host of the location. The location was the author’s private workshop in the attic of a Łódź tenement house in the very centre of the city, in the circles of artists creating situations, meetings, events and objects, which established Kultura Zrzuty [the Whip-round Culture], a phenomenon which described the activities of artists independent of state institutions and officials patrons in the 1980s. The analysis of the events within the area of independent Okolice Sztuki inspired the author to discuss the form of other artists and his own, who created art in Strych [literally: attic] in an unchanging conflict between physical and social existence and freedom in art.


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Author Biography

Włodzimierz Adamiak, Ph.D. in art, interior architecture, Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning

Włodzimierz Adamiak – Ph.D. in technical sciences in Architecture and Urban Planning. In 2014 received at the Faculty of Industrial Forms, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, the title of Ph.D. Habilitated of art in the discipline of design arts. Appraiser of modern art. He studied at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and in 1982–1982 at University of Applied Art in Helsinki. He has been professionally associated with Łódź since 1972. Lecturer at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lodz University of Technology, and at the Chair of Journalism and Social Communication, Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz. At the end of the 1970s, he made his own workshop available for cultural events (which later, during the Martial Law period, became the Strych gallery). He is the co-originator of Fundacja Ulicy Piotrkowskiej (1989). For many years, he was the Foundation’s board member, deputy president, and president in 2011–2015. Currently, he is the president of the Foundation’s Council. He is the co-originator, member of the Chapter and a juror of the Najlepsze Wnętrzne Roku [Best Interior of the Year] competition, which has been held for the last 25 years, and since 2007 he has been the juror of all editions of the Potęga Łodzi – Power of Łódź photo competition. He received awards (together with the urząd®miasta group) at national and international competitions. The most important ones include: 2nd International Architecture Biennale in Krakow in 1987 – 1st prize in the Exhibition and Grand Prix of the Biennale; Competition for a project for the modernisation of the Rubinstein alleyway in Łódź – 2nd award; Competition for a project for the modernisation of Piotrkowska St. – a joint 1st prize; National Competition for a Design for Adapting EC1, a CHP plant in Łódź, into the Energopolis Science and Education Centre – 1st award. Co-originator and co-author of the rules and regulations, and the juror of competitions: Ogólnopolski Konkurs Urbanistyczno-Architektoniczny Wielkomiejska Piotrkowska, Ogólnopolski Konkurs Architektoniczno-Plastyczny Piotrkowska Obiecana (for a design for the modernisation and equipping the street), Ogólnopolski Konkurs Architektoniczno-Plastyczny Łazienka dla Piotrkowskiej, Ogólnopolski Konkurs Architektoniczno-Plastyczny Kiosk dla Łodzi. He is the author several dozen articles, papers and presentations devoted to Łódź, mostly concerning the quality of the city’s public space, and selected problems of modern art.


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How to Cite

Adamiak, W. (2020). The meaning of activities in Okolice Sztuki – much went on at Strych. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 58(3), 261–286.